

Actually managed a day with out food! first in over 2 weeks i think... Well I was 6st 7 yesterday and 6st 5 today! So thats good
Got to orthodontists later on today :S I'm sure she will say something about my teeth! Dentists are good at spotting bulimics.
Aranged to get some cigs today aswell which i wanted to help surpress my apetite, if i feel like i want to eat really badly I can just have one of them.
Still having stupid boy problems, I think it would be okay if I atleast new whether Sean liked me or not, he takes hours to reply to my texts though. Tbh I think he's a little out of my league and maybe i should be setting my sites a little lower. He prefers curvier girls :( which is not something that will ever work to my advantage. Although i think nearly all guys prefer a few curves on a girl. A walking skeliton is hardly attractive, despite what an anorexic might think. I don't find overly thin guys attactive so i can't see why anyone would find me attractive. I realise the obvious thing to do would be to gain weight, sadly i can't quite bring myself to do that...
Hope today goes well! Only time will tell...