

Well I managed to last the day, no food! Just diet coke. AND I weighed myself this morning 96lbs! 12 more lbs to go till I reach my goal. Not gunna be eating anything today, might try and make it to the gym. But I am so glad I am under 7 stone again.
It took me a month to put on 19lbs, so far its taken me 2 months to get 15 off. I'm never going to let myself gain that much again. Because its too hard to lose it. I want to be thin and STAY thin! Lol bit of a rambled post but basically I'm happy to be at 96lbs!!!!!!!!!!

Day 6

Well after 2 days of constantly messing up I am ready for some nice food free days. Haven't weighed myself in a while, probably weigh loads. I'm really fed up of making empty promises to myself. I mean how hard can it be to just not eat. As Rowan said 'wouldn't it be either to be annorexic then you wouldn't have to always clean the toilet...' So I won't throw up anymore, I'm fed up of looking into the bottom of a toilet. Its just such a fucking waste of my time. And it makes me look bloated and fat! I just wish I was thin!