

Day 4

I seem to be doing absolutly everything at snail speed, I'm cold all the time even though its the middle of june... However I am 93lbs! So I may feel shit but atleast I'm thin.

Quote 'I may be fucked up but atleast I am pretty'

I want to eat but I know if I start then I won't stop. I'll gain and gain and gain and gain until I'm back up to 111lbs I might have some soup later to keep up my strength... but i'm reluctant to.


Day 3

Managed 3 days with out food, have soo low energy levels though. Feels like someones sucking the life out of me. But its worth it when i see the numbers going down on the scales. Makes me smile everytime it happend. I dont want to be fat. Just a shame being thin takes so much effort.



Well I managed to last the day, no food! Just diet coke. AND I weighed myself this morning 96lbs! 12 more lbs to go till I reach my goal. Not gunna be eating anything today, might try and make it to the gym. But I am so glad I am under 7 stone again.
It took me a month to put on 19lbs, so far its taken me 2 months to get 15 off. I'm never going to let myself gain that much again. Because its too hard to lose it. I want to be thin and STAY thin! Lol bit of a rambled post but basically I'm happy to be at 96lbs!!!!!!!!!!

Day 6

Well after 2 days of constantly messing up I am ready for some nice food free days. Haven't weighed myself in a while, probably weigh loads. I'm really fed up of making empty promises to myself. I mean how hard can it be to just not eat. As Rowan said 'wouldn't it be either to be annorexic then you wouldn't have to always clean the toilet...' So I won't throw up anymore, I'm fed up of looking into the bottom of a toilet. Its just such a fucking waste of my time. And it makes me look bloated and fat! I just wish I was thin!



Well today I threw up for the last time. I'm fed up with food, it tastes like shit and makes me feel shit. If I carry on this way my ribs will sink away into fat, I will reach my perfection.
Please helps me ana, I need you now more than ever. I don't want to be fat. I will never be fat!


Day 4

My stomach feel really weird, but I guess thats from lack of food. I feel a bit weak but not too bad. Just feel like being really lazy! As long as I'm thin nothing else matters!

Last post for today.

I think I may have over done it with the mints at jive, but i seriously needed the sugar cause I felt so week, Had a mini whoopsie, had a little hott chocolate then threw it away and nearly binged but decided to resist! Haha. Food is clever, always trying ot find new ways to trick me into eating it. But it won't win. Gunna have another go at just water tomorrow seeing as I don't have to do much so I cen just flop if I feel really weak! Gave in and weighed myself, 99lbs. Back to where I was last monday. Oh well these things happen. I'll do better tomorrow. I always try.

I have no energy

Well was planning to just stick to water today, but i feel soo weak that I've had 2 diet kicks (5cals each) and a coke zero (1cal) so not too bad I guess. Gunna end up having mints at jive :( but I guess I'll burn that off danicng so as long as I don't go over the top eveything should be okay! But we'll soon see.


My favourite thinpirations!

Ana is starting to win :)

I very nearly fucked up again, was going to buy a fab (99cals) a packet of tooty frooties (179cals) and a milky bar (69cals) I was at the check out and then Ana told me I didn't need it, I didn't need to put this shit into my body. So I put it down and just bought the milk for Rowan. I know I fucked up earlier but Ana is winning. I plan to just have water tomorrow so I am finishing off all my diet coke/coke zero tonight, plus it will keep my mind away from food.
I will be thin! Ana will let me achieve my dream.


I fucked up but its okay I can fix it! I'm not a failure because failures give up and I will not give up. I am going to go to the gym and burn everything off! And from not on I only drink water! Pure beautiful water! I WILL DO BETTER. I have to! I have to do better!

Look how perfect she is!

Update on yesterday

I nearly slipped! Had a couple of sips of hott chocolate before pouring it away, had some squash with some liquid laxitives, nearly had somechocolate but spat it out. AND I almost ate a biscuit but convinced myself not to. Phew. Sadly I probably totaled about 40/50cals instead of 13. However I will do better today!


Day 1

Haven't eaten anything today and I don't plan to.
I have had 2 cans of coke zero and 2 cans of diet kick (about 13cals in total) I went to the gym and burnt 320cals and did 200 sit-ups might do some more before bed.
Mum thinks I've had toast, chocolate, half a pizza, couple of ginger bread men, 3 veggie sausages and mash potato. Probably totaling to over 2000cals! YUCK! Plus she thinks i'm about 8 stone when I'm closer to 7.
Seeing as I tend to eat when I've weighed myself i'm not going ot weigh myself till next monday, and I will probably wait until the evening to make sure I can't eat!
This is hopefully going ot be a food free week, haven't had one of them in a while.... And I'm sure I can be sucessful as long as a stay focused, stay strong and remind myself constantly that I am fat and that thin is beautiful.
Lets see how it goes.
I need to be thin so I can get guys like this;

Chad Michael Murray

Zach Braff

Heath Ledger

Johnny Depp

David Tennant

Fat Gurls don't attract Guys like this!

Website of the week!