
Day 1

Haven't eaten anything today and I don't plan to.
I have had 2 cans of coke zero and 2 cans of diet kick (about 13cals in total) I went to the gym and burnt 320cals and did 200 sit-ups might do some more before bed.
Mum thinks I've had toast, chocolate, half a pizza, couple of ginger bread men, 3 veggie sausages and mash potato. Probably totaling to over 2000cals! YUCK! Plus she thinks i'm about 8 stone when I'm closer to 7.
Seeing as I tend to eat when I've weighed myself i'm not going ot weigh myself till next monday, and I will probably wait until the evening to make sure I can't eat!
This is hopefully going ot be a food free week, haven't had one of them in a while.... And I'm sure I can be sucessful as long as a stay focused, stay strong and remind myself constantly that I am fat and that thin is beautiful.
Lets see how it goes.
I need to be thin so I can get guys like this;

Chad Michael Murray

Zach Braff

Heath Ledger

Johnny Depp

David Tennant

Fat Gurls don't attract Guys like this!

Website of the week!